Who Is at the Greatest Risk of Work Zone Injuries?


May 16, 2018

Construction zones are spread along roads all over the country. It is difficult to avoid them, especially on long drives. They are usually frustrating occurrences that slow down your trip. Not only are work zones inconvenient, they can be extremely dangerous. Many people are at risk for work zone injuries. However, motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other people passing by suffer a majority of the work zone injuries.

Most Common Hazards of Highway Work Zones

Crashes and accidents are not uncommon around work zones. People often need to adapt their driving to navigate the area, which can lead to potentially fatal driving mistakes. There are many aspects of work zones that are hazardous. Some of the most common hazards include:

  • Construction debris in the road
  • Uneven roadways or shoulders
  • Workers on, near, or too close to the road
  • Construction vehicles coming onto the road
  • Fewer lanes, causing traffic congestion
  • Personnel working at night without proper reflective gear or lights
  • Inadequate signs or warnings
  • Construction equipment on or near the road

Many work zone accidents occur because of misunderstandings or confused drivers. Due to the changed rules and circumstances, reckless and distracted driving becomes more dangerous around work zones.

After Suffering an Injury In or Near a Work Zone

If you suffer an injury in a work zone, you may be able to receive compensation. The first thing you should do is get as much information as possible about the situation. Call the police so that they can take statements and create a police report. Exchange contact information with the other drivers involved, along with a description of the car. You should also get the phone numbers or emails of people who witnessed the accident. You may need statements from them later in your claims process, as they can provide an objective, third-party viewpoint that can be extremely valuable.

It is also a good idea to take pictures. Photograph anything that could be relevant to a claim, including: your vehicle, other vehicles involved, the setting, and anything else that is significant. Taking a picture of your injury can also serve as proof of the severity of your injury before receiving medical treatment.

If you decide to pursue a claim, contact an attorney in your area with experience in work zone injury law. Your attorney will work to build a case, starting by collecting evidence such as:

  • Police reports
  • Driving and criminal history of the other parties involved in the accident
  • Construction company records
  • Any work zone violations
  • Eye witness statements
  • Photos and videos of the incident
  • Expert witness opinions

Tips to Stay Safe in Work Zones

When driving through a work zone, it is important to use extreme caution. You need to pay attention to everything going on, as many different situations could lead to an accident. Some tips to remember when driving in a work zone include:

  • Slow down to the recommended speed limit
  • Watch out for lane closures and shift lanes when necessary
  • Leave extra space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you
  • Be aware of the size of your vehicle and vehicles around you, as large vehicles have a harder time navigating work zones
  • Avoid all forms of distracted driving, including using your cell phone, eating, changing the music, and programming a GPS

It is possible to prevent almost all traffic collisions, as long as you are paying attention and can adjust in time. Using caution in work zones could save you and everyone in your vehicle from suffering a severe injury.

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