When Should You Seek a Second Medical Opinion?


June 1, 2021

Misdiagnoses happen more often than you might think. Although most patients trust that their doctors are using the appropriate standards of care in testing for and diagnosing illnesses, injuries and health conditions, thousands of diagnostic errors occur each year. Misdiagnosis is the most common type of medical malpractice. Obtaining a second medical opinion can help you increase your odds of a correct and accurate diagnosis and prevent medical malpractice.

If You Suspect Negligence

In medical malpractice law, a health practitioner or hospital is negligent if they fail to meet the accepted standards of care in the medical industry and this results in patient injury, harm or death. You may be able to notice signs of negligence at the doctor’s office where you were originally diagnosed, such as an unkempt property, overcrowded waiting room, machine malfunctions, an inexperienced radiologist, miscommunications, a rushed or surface-level checkup, or a lack of confidence in your diagnosis by your doctor.

If you noticed anything amiss during your original doctor’s appointment, it is a good idea to seek a second medical opinion with a different health care provider. The original doctor or other staff members at the first health care center may have made a mistake when coming to your diagnosis, such as misinterpreting test results or failing to properly evaluate you. Medical malpractice is more common at overcrowded, understaffed and low-rated health care centers in Houston.

When Recommended an Invasive Treatment Option

If your original doctor recommended an invasive treatment for your condition, you may wish to seek a second opinion before undergoing the procedure. Invasive surgeries and other treatments come with many risks and possible consequences that could affect you in the future. Before agreeing to an invasive procedure, ask another health care provider to confirm your diagnosis and list any other potential treatment options you may have.

If You Do Not Fully Understand Your Diagnosis

If you have questions or are confused about your diagnosis and your first doctor is not communicating well, seek a second medical opinion. Your first doctor might not have the time or bedside manner to explain your diagnosis further, or you may simply have different communication styles. Obtaining a second opinion can give you more detailed and in-depth information about your diagnosis and treatment options.

To Have Peace of Mind

Even if you return to your first doctor after seeking a second medical opinion from a different health care provider, the second opinion was not a waste of time or money. If the second opinion confirms the first, you can proceed with your treatment plan with confidence and peace of mind. You will not wonder if your first doctor made a mistake or is recommending the wrong treatment option for you. You will feel validated in your decisions – which is important when medical decisions will affect your life and future.

It Is Always Wise to Seek a Second Opinion

Regardless of your circumstances, it is always wise to seek a second medical opinion for a diagnosis. Doctors overlook things and make mistakes. Your odds of a misdiagnosis drastically decrease when you see more than one health care provider. Seeking a second opinion can come with important benefits.

A study by the Mayo Clinic found that as many as 88 percent of patients who sought second opinions went home with new or more detailed diagnoses – leading to different treatment plans. More than one-fifth (21 percent) of patients came away with distinctly different diagnoses. Only 12 percent of the patients who sought second medical opinions came away with the exact same diagnoses as their first doctors’ visits.

You always have the right to seek a second medical opinion. Doing so could help you avoid medical malpractice, confirm that a diagnosis is correct and accurate, and select the right treatment plan for your needs. A second medical opinion could have the power to save your life. If you believe you are the victim of medical malpractice in the form of a diagnostic error, contact a Houston personal injury attorney.

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