What Are Some Things You SHOULDN’T Do After a Car Accident?


October 11, 2017

Knowing what not to do after a car accident is as important as knowing what to do. There are things you could do or say that harm your chances for recovery or make the process more difficult. Protecting your rights requires an understanding of the actions that could work for you and against you in the future. Keep this checklist available in case you get into a crash in Houston.

Do Not Flee the Scene

Texas law requires all parties involved in a motor vehicle crash to stop and remain on the scene until they can verify that no one suffered personal injuries or property damage or until police tell the party it is okay to leave. No matter how scared or overwhelmed you might feel, stay on the scene and check yourself and others for injuries. Fleeing the scene can result in criminal hit-and-run charges against you. If no one is present at the time of the accident, leave your contact information with the damaged vehicle or property.

Do Not Admit Fault

Once you stop and speak to the other driver, do not apologize for the crash or say that it was your fault. Admitting fault can make it difficult or even impossible to recover damages after a crash. Wait for a police or insurance investigation to assign fault. Even if you believe you caused the accident, the other driver or a third party may have also contributed. Wait for authorities to arrive and record your side of the story.

Do Not Leave Authorities Out of the Loop

You must call 911 and report your crash in Texas if it resulted in personal injuries, death, or more than $1,000 worth of property damage. You must also call your vehicle insurance company as soon as possible after a collision to qualify for coverage. Never leave authorities out of the loop after a car accident. You could get into legal trouble for failing to call 911.

Do not trust an “under the table” exchange with the other driver, wherein he or she promises to pay for your damages out of pocket instead of you calling the insurance company. Odds are the driver will give you false information and disappear. Don’t take this risk – call the police when necessary and always report the crash to your insurer.

Do Not Ignore Your Injuries

Request an ambulance if you believe you’ve been injured in a car accident. If you don’t feel injured, seek medical attention anyway. Explain what happened to the doctor, and he or she will perform the appropriate tests to check for injuries. It is possible that you have an injury with delayed symptoms, such as a minor concussion. Visiting the doctor right away can improve your chances of financial recovery; it proves that your accident-related injuries were intense enough to require immediate medical attention.

Do Not Self-Represent

In the aftermath of a car accident, a major priority may be to receive compensation for your personal injuries , medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. You may need to negotiate a settlement with an insurance company, and/or consider filing a personal injury lawsuit against the driver, a company, and other parties for your crash. Don’t attempt these tasks alone. Partner with a Houston car accident attorney for professional representation and assistance during the filing process. A lawyer can help maximize your recovery.

Every state limits the amount of time you have to file a claim.

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