How to File a Car Accident Claim With Nationwide in Texas


May 20, 2020

The odds are high of you having to deal with Nationwide Insurance after a car accident in Texas. Nationwide is one of the biggest insurance carriers in the US. Despite the company’s slogan, Nationwide is not on your side. Like all insurance companies, Nationwide obtains profits for investors by minimizing claimant payouts. As a crash victim in need of benefits from Nationwide, it is critical to use a Houston car accident attorney to negotiate your settlement for you. Otherwise, the insurance carrier may take advantage of you.

Stop, Call 911 and Collect Information

Before you deal with the insurance claims process, take steps to protect yourself and your rights while still at the scene of the auto accident. Always stop your vehicle at the scene of the crash and check everyone for injuries. Call the police for a serious crash – one that results in injuries, deaths or over $1,000 in property damage. You can call 911 for a less serious accident as well, especially one involving an uninsured driver, drunk driver, or hit-and-run.

Nationwide will need some information about your car accident. Start gathering facts right away. Write down where and when your car accident occurred, as well as the name and contact information of the other driver. Take photos while at the scene of the accident. The more information you collect, the stronger your ability to negotiate your claim will be. Do not tell the officer or the other driver you caused the accident. Instead, wait for investigators to determine fault while you obtain medical care.

One of the most common mistakes crash victims make is failing to obtain immediate medical care for their injuries. Adrenaline can mask injury symptoms. Many victims do not go to the doctor at all. Others may eventually go after waiting a few days. These are mistakes that could give Nationwide a reason to deny your insurance claim. Protect yourself physically and legally by going to the hospital right away after a car accident in Texas, even if you think you are fine. Request copies of all medical documents and bills.

Be Wary When Talking to Nationwide’s Claims Adjusters

Most insurance companies ask claimants to report car accidents as soon as they can. This could mean one, two or even three days after an accident as long as you call or file your claim as quickly as you reasonably can. Your initial claim report does not have to be detailed. Nationwide will simply need some basic information about your crash. It will then assign a claims adjuster to your case to follow up for more information later.

File a car accident claim with Nationwide in Texas either by calling 1-877-669-6877 or using the insurance company’s self-service online application. Before a claims adjuster contacts you about your accident, call a lawyer for legal advice. A lawyer can give you an idea of what your car accident case might be worth, as well as advice on how to deal with claims adjusters. A lawyer could also take over insurance claim negotiations with Nationwide on your behalf while you focus on healing.

Be careful what you say when discussing your claim with an insurance adjuster from Nationwide. The adjuster will be searching for ways to minimize or eliminate your payout. Do not grant the adjuster permission to record a statement from you. The law in Texas does not obligate you to give one if an adjuster asks. This is often a tactic to try to avoid paying for your damages later. Do not sign any medical document release forms, do not admit fault for the auto accident and do not accept the initial settlement offer. A car accident lawyer may be able to negotiate a better amount on your behalf. Work with an attorney you trust from the beginning of your Nationwide Insurance claim in Texas for the best possible results.

Every state limits the amount of time you have to file a claim.

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