How Hazardous Material Truck Accidents Are Different From Other Truck Wrecks


March 18, 2021

Many commercial trucks transport hazardous materials, otherwise known as hazmat. These materials include gasoline, oil, liquid nitrogen, compressed air and flammable substances. Unfortunately, transporting hazardous cargo comes with an increased risk of catastrophic injuries and deaths in truck accidents. Serious injuries and unique federal regulations make hazmat truck accidents different from other commercial truck accidents in Texas.

Extreme to Catastrophic and Fatal Injuries

One of the main differences between hazardous material truck accidents and standard truck accidents is the extent of the damage. Hazardous materials come with the threat of catastrophes such as explosions, fires and chemical spills. This increases the risk of serious and fatal injuries to those in the crash. Examples include:

  • Traumatic amputations
  • Third-degree burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Exposure to hazardous substances and toxic fumes
  • Wrongful death

Hazmat can also increase the number of victims affected by the truck accident. If flammable solids or liquids being carried by a big rig explode, for example, it can impact passing vehicles and people who live nearby. The same is true if a hazardous material truck dumps toxic gas into the surrounding environment. An ordinary truck accident, on the other hand, typically only affects the drivers and passengers directly involved in the collision.

Special Federal Regulations for Hazardous Materials

Another thing that makes hazardous material truck accidents unique is the fact that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has special rules and regulations in place for hazmat cargo, as does the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). The trucking company, cargo company and truck driver must obey these rules to prevent accidents.

Three examples of hazardous material rules are:

  • Safety permits are required by motor carriers who wish to transport certain hazardous materials, including radioactive materials, explosives and poisons.
  • Before a truck carrying hazmat may leave for its destination, the motor carrier must arrange a pre-trip inspection for each truck.
  • If the hazmat is liquid, the cargo is less stable and can slosh around in transit. Truck drivers must receive special training to maintain control during a shift in the truck’s center of gravity.

Breaking a hazmat safety regulation can increase the risk of a devastating truck accident. If a motor carrier carelessly or intentionally fails to fulfill every requirement related to the transport of hazardous materials, it can be legally and financially responsible for a related truck accident.

What to Do After a Hazardous Material Truck Accident

Even a minor rear-end collision could lead to disaster if a truck is carrying dangerous substances. If you get into this type of accident in Texas, take immediate steps to protect yourself, both physically and legally:

  1. Park your car a safe distance away from the hazmat truck, if possible.
  2. Check yourself and anyone else involved in the wreck for injuries.
  3. Remain a safe distance away from the hazmat truck in case the cargo area has been compromised.
  4. Do not approach the commercial truck if you see any liquids, sparks or flames.
  5. Stay in your car until help arrives, if it is safe to do so, to avoid breathing in any toxic fumes.
  6. Call the police to report the crash. Request an ambulance, if necessary.
  7. Write down the name of the trucking company and the hazmat truck’s number.
  8. Take photographs and videos of the scene of the accident, if you can.
  9. Do not admit any fault for the truck accident.
  10. Go to a hospital immediately. Tell the doctor what the truck was carrying so he or she can make sure you were not impacted by a toxic substance.

Next, contact a Houston truck accident attorney  for a free consultation about your legal rights. An attorney can help you. If you or a loved one suffered catastrophic injuries in the collision, it is even more important to have an attorney represent you. An attorney can fight for maximum financial compensation for you so that you can recover and move forward.

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