Thanks to today’s technological world, video cameras are everywhere you look. If you sustained injuries in a car accident in Houston , it’s more than likely that a surveillance camera captured evidence of another driver’s negligence. Obtaining copies of this footage could prove invaluable to your car accident claim by providing evidence of negligence to an insurance company. Video surveillance footage can help you obtain fair compensation for the harm you suffer following a car accident – but how easy is it to get the footage?
The answer to this question will depend on the nature of the video itself. There are different traffic cameras, as well as private footage that could prove valuable in a car accident investigation.
If your accident took place at an intersection with traffic cameras or on a highway with surveillance video, you’ll need the help of an experienced attorney to obtain footage. These cameras have ownership between both private and public entities – the Texas Department of Transportation may own some, while they may contract others out to private contractors and entities. All have different regulations and procedures for releasing footage to a civilian – and most will require a subpoena.
A subpoena is a legally binding demand that compels an individual to release the information outlined within the order. There’s no harm in asking for a copy of a traffic cam video, but most entities will report that they cannot release videos unless compelled to by the court. A personal injury attorney will be familiar with the process of filing a subpoena and can efficiently obtain the footage you need to use as leverage in the negotiation process.
If you’ve already hired an attorney, tell him or her about any surveillance cameras you noticed as soon as possible. If you haven’t yet consulted with a personal injury attorney, we highly recommend doing so – case evaluations are always free and come at no financial risk to you. If an attorney believes you have a case, he or she will take it on a contingency-fee basis. This means you’ll owe no attorney’s fees unless you win a settlement or court judgment.
If your car accident took place in a town, there’s a good chance that a local business caught some of the footage on a CCTV surveillance camera located on its property. In this instance, you stand a good chance of getting some valuable help with little red tape. While private businesses are under no obligation to give up or share their footage, they often will to help your case. Keep in mind, however, that larger chain stores may have unique rules regarding releasing surveillance footage, so prepare to take your request to branch manager or corporate if necessary.
If you can obtain video surveillance footage of your car accident, it could provide serious leverage in your claim. Video footage can provide hard-to-dispute evidence of a driver’s negligence, particularly if cell phone or distracted driving played a role. This could help adjust the focus from whether an insurance company will pay a claim, to how much an insurance company should pay out for your injuries, pain, and suffering. Video footage can kick start negotiations and expedite the car accident claim settlement, so you can move on with your life.
If you recently suffered injuries in a car accident, your first step is to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. He or she can help you obtain any footage and negotiate with an insurance company on your behalf to achieve fair compensation for any damages you incurred.
The post Can I Obtain Traffic Camera Video of a Car Accident? appeared first on GES Injury Attorneys.
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